
Tagged: world news

Laura Helmuth Resignation: Scientific American editor resigns after 'f**king fascists' rant following Trump's win - Times of India

Laura Helmuth Resignation: Scientific American editor resigns after 'f**king fascists' rant following Trump's win - Times of India

Via:   •  Today's America  •  26 Comments  •  4 months ago

'Cocaine sharks' throng Brazilian waters as drug enters ecosystem

'Cocaine sharks' throng Brazilian waters as drug enters ecosystem

Via:   •  News Viners  •  1 Comments  •  8 months ago

Okay, now beach goers have to worry about hopped up, nearsighted sharks hunting for munchies.  Is it possible for people to screw things up even more?
Mount Etna erupts in spectacular fashion - IN PICTURES

Mount Etna erupts in spectacular fashion - IN PICTURES

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  5 Comments  •  4 years ago

Just for the spectacular photos
US hits grim new record with 3,764 daily deaths

US hits grim new record with 3,764 daily deaths

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  0 Comments  •  4 years ago

Three thousand Americans died in the Twin Towers attack. Our then-President led the nation and its allies to war. More than three thousand Americans die of Covid-19 every day...
New Zealand village turns off street lights to stop birds crash-landing on to roads

New Zealand village turns off street lights to stop birds crash-landing on to roads

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  3 Comments  •  5 years ago

People can be pretty cool sometimes. Here's an entire town ( small town) agreeing to give up lighting to save these birds. That is cool.
Near-blind Ansell's mole-rats detect magnetic cues with eyes, study shows

Near-blind Ansell's mole-rats detect magnetic cues with eyes, study shows

Via:   •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  5 years ago

Here's an antidote for our collective Debate Overdose